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Matt Burne

Senior Ecologist, BSC Group, Inc.


Conservation Biologist and expert Vernal Pool Ecologist; Educator, Scouter, Illustrator, Designer, Old House Conservator, &ct.





Malden, MA

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I'm a conservation professional with expertise in land protection and land management practices, extensive experience in design and publishing, and a great love of sharing knowledge and passion for the environment. I sit on the boards of several non-profit organizations, the majority of which I've had a hand in incorporating, and I maintain an active role in several volunteer survey and inventory projects focused on rare species and vernal pools. I spent five years as the BSA Scoutmaster for Malden Troop 603, and I'm trying to keep up a Greek Revival house built in 1845.


Senior Ecologist

BSC Group, Inc.

BSC Group is a multi-disciplinary consulting firm that integrates the talents of skilled engineers, planners, environmental scientists, landscape architects, software developers, and land surveyors, to continually apply technical excellence to projects in the transportation, energy, land development, and government markets.


I'm excited to bring my experience and expertise in vernal pool ecology, rare species inventory and conservation, and diversity of interests to this growing firm.

Conservation Director

Walden Woods Project

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Focused on preserving the land, the literature, and the legacy of Henry David Thoreau, the Walden Woods Project protects land in Lincoln and Concord, MA and provides educational outreach that fosters a place-based environmental ethic.

My activities involve conservation planning, including inventory, assessment, and prioritization of cultural and ecological landscape features for acquisition and land management activities within a well-defined geographic area; Conservation Restriction design, negotiation, base-line documentation, and monitoring; design and implementation of land management practices including invasive species management on fee lands and with local partners; education and outreach to school groups, scholars, and the general public; writing, editing, design and pre-press for our annual newsletter; provide support to the Executive Director for organizational advocacy, promotion, and development. I am currently developing a standards-based, cross-discipline STEM curriculum to introduce Henry Thoreau to elementary aged students

Biology Teacher

Reading Memorial High School

Taught Freshman Physics, Junior-Senior Environmental Studies, Junior-Senior Honors Field Biology. Wrote and received technology grant for field and classroom computer and imaging equipment.

Environmental Review & Ecologist

Natural Heritage & Endangered 

   Species Program

Wetlands Environmental Review (1993-2003)
Conducted regulatory review of Notice of Intent filings and Forest Cutting Plans under the MA Endangered Species Act and rare species sections of the MA Wetlands Protection Act. Coordinated review with federal, state, and local agencies, permit applicants and representatives. Maintained wetlands environmental review projects database of over 500 projects per year.

Vernal Pool Ecologist (1995-2003)
Conducted research and field surveys pertaining to vernal pools, reptiles and amphibians, and aquatic macroinvertebrates. Identified research and field survey efforts needed to forward NHESP goals and objectives. Provided NHESP biologists, Land Protection Specialists, Environmental Reviewers, and data managers with technical expertise and assistance. Was the primary state contact for vernal pool issues for the public, natural resource agency personnel, land owners and industry groups. Oversaw the MA Vernal Pool Certification program. Created and produced the MA Potential Vernal Pool Survey. Published A Field Guide to the Animals of Vernal Pools (1999)


University of Massachusetts Amherst

Master of Science

Fisheries and Wildlife Conservation

Thesis title:

Conservation of Vernal Pool-breeding Amphibian Communities: Habitat and Landscape Associations with Community Richness.

University of Massachusetts Amherst

Bachelor of Science

Environmental Science

Wetlands Ecology Concentration

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I have focused my attention on vernal pools for many years, and have developed a level of expertise in the field that I use for teaching the general public, conservation professionals, and natural resource agency personnel about these important habitats and how we protect them. Along the way, I've honed skills in conservation planning, land protection, land management, education, facilitation, communication, fund raising and more. 

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